Determinants of MNEs’ Entry Decisions博客來全站熱銷

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內容簡介: 博客來 This study tests the factors of transaction costs (TC) and resource-based views (RBV) to explain the MNEs’ entry decisions in China. By using large firm-level data from China, I show in this paper that variables related to internal uncertainty (e.g., management) and firm-specific assets tend to affect MNEs’ entry decisions in a way that is consistent with the transaction cost logic; that is, the higher degree of internal uncertainty, the MNEs may require more control over the foreign facilities or the JV. On the other hand, those variables related to external uncertainty (e.g., marketing) and intangible assets tend to conform to the resource-based view, which means higher external uncertainty would cause the MNEs to leverage the resources or local experience of local partners. This suggests that MNEs may need complementary resources from local partners to reduce the external uncertainty and enhance the value of their intangible resources.


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  • 出版社:中華經濟研究院    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2017/06/07
  • 語言:英文

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Determinants of MNEs’ Entry Decisions博客來全站熱銷


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